Top 4 Apps For Foodies That Will Make You More Hungry

Foodies are a special bunch. They are people who have a love and appreciation for all things food-related, from purchasing ingredients, preparing dishes and new recipes, how the meal is presented, and of course, enjoying great food. If you consider yourself a foodie, even just a novice foodie, then there are some fun ways to feed into your passion.

Here are the Top 4 Apps that are perfect for foodies

Uber Eats – The Ultimate Delivery App

Foodies often take great pride in creating meals themselves, but let’s face it, that’s not going to be practical all the time and sometimes you feel like ordering in. For those instances, the Uber Eats app is a great option. You can download the app to your mobile device and have access to food and groceries. Once you place your order, be sure to use real-time order tracking so you know exactly where your food is.

Tasty – Become the Ultimate Home Chef

If you’re ready to up your game in the kitchen, then the Tasty app will prove invaluable. At its core, this is a recipe-based app, but it’s also so much more. This app acts as a community of like-minded foodies who share information, tips, advice, and knowledge. It was created by Buzzfeed and it bills itself as the “world’s largest food network”.

One of the best parts about the app is reading the comments and suggestions that other community members leave below the recipes. This can help you to tweak the recipe and customise it. Considering this is a free download, you’ve got nothing to lose in checking it out.

The Pocket Wine Pairing App Proves Invaluable

How many times have you found yourself pondering what wine pairs best with the food you’re serving? Whether it’s a solo meal or you’re entertaining guests, it’s always nice to know you’ve picked the “right” wine for the menu. The Pocket Wine Pairing app is ideal for answering that question. You’ll find a list of meals that you can click on and view the ideal pairing. It gives details on the grape variety, the wine style, and even the blend.

Online Food-Themed Slots – Mix a Little Fun Into Your Repertoire

While plenty of apps will help you to become a better home chef, there’s something to be said for having fun with food – as in a gaming sense. Online slots are a fabulous example and can be found at several online casinos. Slots refer to slot machines that have symbols on the reels. The Bellissimo slot game is a good example of one with a delicious food theme. And once you finish playing that, you can go on to explore video poker, roulette, and blackjack on Jackpotcity Casino.

You’ve Got Everything Covered

This list of apps has you covered in every sense. Whether you want to improve your cooking skills, order food or groceries in, figure out the perfect wine pairing or enjoy some online gaming, each of these is worth downloading and checking out.

Categories: Apps
Joey Riggs: